Hi, I'm Yishai

I create educational email courses for SaaS companies in creative industries.

These email courses increase opt-in & open rates, nurture sales, and drivee user-adoption.

What is an email education course?

An EEC is a collection of educational emails sent to subscribers over a set number of days that educate the reader and guide them towards a specific objective.SaaS companies can use EECs to educate audiences about their software or industry.By providing valuable insights, SaaS companies can attract and nurture leads, ultimately converting them into customers.

How does it work?

Our standard recommendation is a 5-day EEC, which begins with an introductory email upon signup, followed by one email per day over the course of five days, each focusing on a specific aspect of the topic at hand.It's advisable to send these EECs from the CEO's email or another spokesperson, such as the head of customer success, to add a personal touch.These EECs are sent in addition to the standard onboarding and transactional emails a user might receive from a branded email address simultaneously.Depending on the sales funnel and specific needs, some SaaS companies prefer to send EECs after a user signs up for a free trial or demo, while others treat it as a standalone opt-in option, essentially functioning as a lead magnet with added benefits that we'll discuss later.

Why create an email education course?

Email Educational Courses (EECs) offer several distinct advantages for SaaS companies looking to engage and convert their target audience.Compared to standard onboarding emails that might be delivered after a free trial signup, EECs typically see much higher open rates. Also, as users open these emails, they get into the habit of opening future emails from the company.Compared to traditional lead-magnets such as whitepaperes, EECs tend to increase opt-in rates, and the email cadence has the added benefit of growing relationships and embedding more sales related messaging than can be accomplished in a single downloadable item.

How the process works

Creating an Email Educational Course (EEC) with my assistance is a simple and straightforward process.Step One
I will work with you to develop an outline for the 5-day course, which you will review and approve. Once the outline is finalized, I will create the content for each day of the EEC, including the introductory email that sets the stage for the course.
Step Two
I create the content of each email. To ensure that the EEC accurately reflects your company's value proposition and delivers the most relevant educational material, I typically meet with a representative from your organization.
During this meeting, we will discuss your product or service in detail, identifying the key benefits, features, and use cases that should be highlighted throughout the course. However, if your company representatives have limited availability, I can also create the EEC content using existing resources such as blog posts, whitepapers, videos, or help center documentation provided by your team.Step Three
I help you implement the email education course into your emailing software (or set up new software for you if you need). I can also design a landing page if you are using the EEC as an opt-in incentive, rather than having them delivered after a free trial signup.


Creation of email content (introductory email + 5 daily educational emails)$1,500
Technnical implementation of emails (into existing or new emailing system)$1,500
Creation of content for an opt-in landing page$1,500
Implementation of the landing page in Wordpress, Carrd, ClickFunnels, or similar software$500
A to Z service (all the above)$5,000

Additional notes:

  • If you opt for the A to Z service at $5,000, I will handle everything for you. Your assistance will only be required to confirm the email address I set up in the email system, add a few lines to your DNS records in your website host, and provide your credit card details for the necessary software purchases.

  • If you don't have an emailing solution nor a landing page software, the total cost of these is approximately $150 per month, although cheaper solutions are available.

Why so expensive?

It may seem like a significant investment, but the value an Email Educational Course (EEC) brings to your business is substantial:

  • Increased open rates compared to other types of emails

  • Stronger relationships with your audience

  • Encourages habitual engagement with your emails

  • Provides a seamless transition to sales or FOMO-focused emails

  • Serves as a creative and compelling way to increase user opt-ins

Hiring an experienced writer to create 6 sections of 500-1000 words that are informative, persuasive, and tailored to your industry would typically cost around $1,000 or more. However, when you hire a writer to create standalone articles, you would need to determine the entire strategy that would maximize the value to the user and your business, and provide the writer with detailed notes on exactly what to write about.By engaging my services to create an EEC, you not only receive high-quality, engaging content but also benefit from my expertise in developing a comprehensive strategy that maximizes the value for both your audience and your business. This approach saves you time and effort in planning and strategizing, making it a cost-effective solution.

Ready to get started?

If you're ready to harness the power of an Email Educational Course (EEC) for your SaaS business, I'm here to help. The process is simple and straightforward, and your EEC can be up and running within 30 days or less. Here's what you can expect:Step 1: Consultation and Strategy
We'll start with a consultation to discuss your business, target audience, and goals. I'll work with you to develop a comprehensive strategy for your EEC that maximizes value for your users and your business.
Step 2: Content Creation
Once the strategy is in place, I'll create the content for your 5-day EEC, including:

  • An engaging introductory email

  • Five daily educational emails, each focusing on a specific aspect of your product or service

  • Compelling calls-to-action and selling propositions embedded throughout the course

Step 3: Implementation and Launch
Depending on your needs, I can either provide you with the complete EEC content for your team to implement or handle the technical aspects myself. This includes setting up your email system, creating an opt-in landing page, and integrating the EEC into your existing website or landing page builder.
What you'll receive:

  • A complete, ready-to-launch 5-day Email Educational Course

  • Engaging, informative, and persuasive content tailored to your target audience

  • A comprehensive strategy designed to maximize value for your users and your business

  • Optionally, full technical implementation and setup of your EEC

What Are You Waiting For?
An Email Educational Course (EEC) is a powerful tool that can help your SaaS business:

  • Increase email open rates and engagement

  • Build stronger relationships with your audience

  • Boost user opt-ins in a creative and effective way

  • Seamlessly transition to sales or FOMO-focused emails

  • Save time and resources in planning, strategizing, and content creation

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your email marketing to the next level. By investing in an EEC, you're investing in the growth and success of your business. Contact me below to get started on creating an EEC that will captivate your audience and drive results.

Get started

Fill out the form below to get in touch. Feel free to keep it simple, we can discuss everything together in the future.

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